Find Your Vibe
Create an ideal atmosphere by using our top interior color palettes in your home. The colors are organized into themes so you can easily pair the right colors together, while coordinating with your décor.

Special Delivery on bedroom wall
Cool & Clean
Allow your personality and desired frame of mind to guide your color choice. Choose a cool, clean color to elevate your mood and create a calming space.
Glidden's "Craftsman Gold" in Hallway
Warm & Cozy
Create a warm, welcoming space for you and your company to enjoy with this curated color palette
Coral Serenade in family room
Bold & Blissful
Feel your best and allow your personality to show throughout your home. Create a lively living space to brighten your mood.One Coat Wonder for Less
Glidden Diamond interior paint primer is an ultra-scrubbable one-coat paint that is perfect for high traffic areas of your home.Buy Glidden Diamond

Living room paint color
Figure Out How Much Paint You Need
Now that you found the perfect color, determine how much paint you need.Use Our Paint Calculator