DIY Blogger Melissa Michaels of The Inspired Room tells Glidden® how she found inspiration for her son’s nursery in an uncommon place.

The Hobbit
Our Inspiration
My youngest child is almost twelve years old now (my how time flies!) but I will never forget dreaming up inspiration and fresh colors for my son’s nursery. After having our two lovely girls, we were excited to find out we were having a boy! My husband was particularly excited, so I let him decide the artistic direction for the room.We love to create a home that is full of personal meaning. So, because my husband is a big fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and all things The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, he decided he wanted to introduce our son to that world by creating a hand-painted mural on his nursery wall. I loved that idea and it made me so happy that my husband would have the opportunity to create an artistic labor of love for our new baby.
To find inspiration for the art, he turned to the source—The Hobbit book on our shelf. There were beautiful drawings in this book from various scenes in the story, so that made finding an idea for the mural very easy. He selected a fantastic scene of a hobbit hill and we headed off to the paint store with our book in hand to find similar colors for the wall. The mural was only going to be in part of the room, and the rest of the room was painted in solid complimentary colors of blue and green.
Find More Nursery Paint Color Inspiration

The Hill from The Hobbit

Baby in Nursery
The Mural
Once we had all of our paint together, my husband started the long process of painting our baby’s room, months before our son was born. I, unfortunately cannot find a full picture of the mural to show you (that project was from my pre-blogging days), but just for fun I scanned an unstaged photo where you can see a bit of the wall behind my son as a baby (who enjoyed tearing apart the room we so lovingly put together!).My contribution to the room was to find crib bedding. Since the wall had the amazing mural full of beautiful buildings and scenery, I didn’t want anything that would steal the show from the artistic work on the wall. I searched high and low until I found a crib bumper and quilt with gorgeous shades of soft blues, greens and buttery yellows, and fun multi-colored circles that complimented the scheme of the room
Match My Color
If you are planning a baby nursery, there are so many options for colors. Don’t be afraid to try a fresh and fun new palette! I love using the Match My Color Tool to experiment with new color schemes based on pictures or fabrics I love; it really helps me to think outside the box and try a palette I may not have thought of before.See Great Colors For Boys' Rooms