How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
To make a room feel bigger, there are various tricks you can try that don’t require remodeling your home. Often, a room can feel small simply because of color choices made for the walls, furnishing or décor. Dark paint colors tend to absorb light, while neutral or light paint colors tend to make a room feel more spacious and bigger. Try these small room ideas to make any space in your home feel bigger.

How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Off-White Paint Colors
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
One idea for small room upgrades to make your space feel bigger is to paint your walls an off-white paint color like Horseradish. Painting your bedroom walls off-white will help make your room feel bigger because the wall paint color is not absorbing much light and space. Using an off-white paint color also works well with any colored furnishing you may already have.
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Lighter Shades of Paint Color
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Another idea is to pick a paint color that is at least 2-3 shades lighter than your current wall color. The lighter paint color shade you select, the more your room will feel spacious. Even if you keep a dark paint color like Metropolis, but in a lighter shade, you can balance the room with lighter colored décor and furnishing. For example, select a bedside lamp and curtains that are creamy white if you plan to paint your walls a shade of burgundy like Burgundy Wine. If you are in the process of furnishing your bedroom with new furniture, select furniture that is a lighter color. For example, select a white bed frame and side tables instead of dark brown or black.
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Bold & Spacious Paint Colors
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Make a bedroom feel bigger using a neutral cream paint color, a soft yellow paint color like Sawdust, or a light blue paint color like Pale Seafoam for the walls. These paint colors can make a room feel more spacious and balance any bold colors in the room. The bedroom is your sanctuary to relax, so these paint color choices can help create a roomier feel for relaxation.
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
No Remodeling Necessary
How to Make a Small Room Look Bigger
Any one of these small room ideas to make space feel bigger can help your room situation. No remodeling is necessary, only the right paint color choices. When you select a lighter paint color, you can achieve a more spacious and roomier feel. With these small room ideas, now any room in your home can be made to feel big, bright, and spacious.See Our Latest Paint Color Trends